What to Expect
Our Sunday mornings look slightly different at the moment. As regulations surrounding Covid-19 shift and change, we will shift and change in order to continue to meet as a church family. When we are not allowed to meet in person, or while some of our church family continue self isolate, our Sunday mornings will be available online. When we are able to meet in person without restrictions, the “What to Expect” below will give you a little taste of what our “normal” looks like.
What to Expect
Our Sunday mornings kick off with a time of celebration and passionate sung worship. We normally start with the band leading us in some songs for around 45 minutes. At the heart of our vision as a church is that God wants people to ENCOUNTER him, and our Sunday gatherings reflect this. All the words for the songs are projected so that you can join in with the singing if you want. You can join in with the singing or just listen and engage at your own pace.
We then take some time to communicate some things that are coming up and important church family news. Sometimes people who are part of the Hope family will share stories of what God has been doing in their lives. Also, at some point during the morning, an offering basket will go round. The reason for this is that we believe that worship involves the whole of our lives, including our money. This isn’t a forced thing; so feel very free to let the basket pass on by!

Then someone will give a talk on why Jesus is good news for our lives, community and world. Our talks are rooted in the Bible, as we believe that God is still speaking through his Word into the nitty gritty details of our lives today. After this sometimes we sing and there is opportunity for people who hurting physically, emotionally and spiritually to be prayed with, as we believe that Jesus is alive and still healing bodies and souls through the Holy Spirit!
At the end of our gatherings, people often hang around to catch up with each other, enjoy tea and coffee together, and often go back to homes to share lunch with each other. You would be welcome to join us.
Useful Information
Some questions you might need answers too.
What time does it start?
10.30 am, with tea and coffee in The Basement from 10am.
Where do I find Hope Church Merthyr?
You can find our building on High Street, Merthyr Tydfil, CF47 8UG. We’re actually based across from Penderyn Square, next to the Redhouse.
What’s the dress code?
There is no dress code! Most people dress casual (some more casual than others!) but feel free to wear whatever you’d wear every other day of the week.
Where are the nearest carparks?
There are two car parks very close by – Castle Car Park and Tramroadside Car Park.
What to expect?
Our gatherings tend to have a sense of celebration – the good news of Jesus is something worth celebrating!
What about the children?
For the smallest in our church family, there is a well-manned and well-equipped crèche which runs for the duration of the message.
For children of primary school age, there is the epic Hope4Kids!
Ask for details when you arrive and we’ll make sure your precious ones get to the right place!