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In Mark 13, Jesus’ disciples are wrestling with what feels like the end of the world. Every generation has had reason to believe it may be the last before the…
False teaching and false teachers do so much damage to the name and credibility of Jesus. And they hurt the people of Jesus. Yet Jesus warned us about this 2000…
“Who are you?” “What’s your identity?” “What’s your purpose?” “Who do you think you are?” Questions we are bombarded by daily. But what if all those questions get answered when…
We've seen so many instances in Mark's gospel where the religious leaders try to trap Jesus. Once again, in today's passage, Jesus is facing another a trap, a question that…
Fasting. It's quite a popular health thing now... 5:2 Diet and all that. But it’s been a standard habit of followers of Jesus for millenia. Why? How does being hungry…
Two of the strangest moments in Jesus’ life, two moments that provoke serious discussion, come back to back in Mark’s gospel. Jesus tells a fig tree to die (and it…
“Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone.” Until now.We’ve arrived at the moment in Mark’s gospel where Jesus is ready to reveal to the crowds what kind of King he…
Imagine Jesus asking you this question: "What do you want me to do for you?" What would YOU ask of Jesus? What we ask gives us a good indicator of…
This Sunday, along with many millions of Christians, we remember and celebrate Pentecost Sunday. This is the day that Jesus kept his promise to not leave his disciples as orphans,…
Christians are often really good at remembering and celebrating what Jesus has done (and rightly so ). And we're not so bad at thinking about what he will do (after…
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