The Christmas season has a tendency to amplify situations - happy things become happier, but difficult circumstances take on a deeper poignancy, and cause us to ask questions. “Where is…
This Sunday... We follow Jesus into a court room where he’s about to be put on trial for his life. The key question - who does Jesus believe he is?…
We've seen so many instances in Mark's gospel where the religious leaders try to trap Jesus. Once again, in today's passage, Jesus is facing another a trap, a question that…
When Jesus takes really small amounts of food ( think 5 bread rolls and a couple of sardines) and multiplies it into a feast for thousands, that's amazing, right? When he…
Jesus' words to his anxious disciples echo down the years to us: why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?
What does it look like when the love of God gets lived out in a community? In our relationships to one another, strangers, and even enemies.
We were made to be known, by God and one another. But we spend so much of our lives hiding our true selves. How can we live open and known?
How do we engage the world with the Good News of the Gospel?