As we wrap up Romans, what does it look like for the grand message of this letter to be lived out in a community?
Paul Gaskin takes us through the penultimate chapter of Romans, seeing the big picture of Paul's apostolic mission.
Can the church still stay united when it comes to differing perspectives on secondary issues? How do we navigate this well?
The Apostle Paul writes with pastoral wisdom to a church that has to live in Caesar's empire while being allegiant to Jesus.
What does it look like when the love of God gets lived out in a community? In our relationships to one another, strangers, and even enemies.
In Romans 12:1-8, we learn that a transformed life comes from a new way of thinking, and is demonstrated through joyful sacrifice.
In this final overview chunk of Romans, we see what kind of church the gospel produces: a church united, despite its diversity.
In an overview of Romans 9-11, we see how God is faithful to his people and is sovereignly at work to bring salvation to all people.
The Apostle Paul presents a vision of the future that fills us with a hope so glorious it's not worth comparing to our suffering.
How does life in the power of the Holy Spirit set us free from condemnation, sin, and death? The Apostle Paul explains all in Romans 8!