We've been walking through Mark's account of the life of Jesus on Sunday mornings for the best part of a year, and it's all been about the most important question…
The tomb is open, and the body is gone. A man dressed in shiny white says, “He has risen; he is not here… go… tell!” What did the women make…
We’ve all seen coronations, either real or fictional… lavish, impressive, royal. And yet the greatest coronation in all of history looks like a humiliating defeat. How can the cross be…
If you had unlimited power, what would you do with it? Jesus had (and has) unlimited power - what did he do with it? The answer is the reason there's…
It’s been said that we truly see the character of a person when they are pressed. What comes out in those high pressure moments really tells us who we are.…
This Sunday, we're back for the last leg of our journey through Mark's gospel. We'll be looking together at a moment where a woman breaks up a dinner party to…
In Mark 13, Jesus’ disciples are wrestling with what feels like the end of the world. Every generation has had reason to believe it may be the last before the…
“Who are you?” “What’s your identity?” “What’s your purpose?” “Who do you think you are?” Questions we are bombarded by daily. But what if all those questions get answered when…
We've seen so many instances in Mark's gospel where the religious leaders try to trap Jesus. Once again, in today's passage, Jesus is facing another a trap, a question that…
Two of the strangest moments in Jesus’ life, two moments that provoke serious discussion, come back to back in Mark’s gospel. Jesus tells a fig tree to die (and it…