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A walk-through of the Lord's prayer as we seek to grow as a people of prayer. Our Father; Your will; our needs.

Holy Witnesses

January 8, 2023
What does our maturity and Christlikeness have to do with mission? The final message of our Grow Up series!
We think of powerful people as those with influence over others; but true power is mastery over ourselves. How can we learn this from Jesus?
Have we got humility all wrong? How does Jesus model humility and how does a right view of ourselves in Him help us to imitate his example?

Powerful Patience

November 27, 2022
God describes himself as slow to anger. How can we grow in patience to represent him as slow to anger people?

Fear Less

November 20, 2022
Growing up as disciples of Jesus means increasingly handing over our fears to him and living in the truth that he is on the throne.


November 13, 2022
Often we carry around burdens of guilt and unforgiveness. What do forgiveness and mercy mean for our growth and maturity?

An Invitation to Rest

November 6, 2022
In a world of busyness and distraction, Jesus invites us to a life with him that is characterised by restfulness.


October 30, 2022
In a world conditioned for entitlement and envy, how can we grow in gratitude as a marker of maturity in Christ?

Open & Known

October 23, 2022
We were made to be known, by God and one another. But we spend so much of our lives hiding our true selves. How can we live open and known?
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