One thing that Christmas brings into focus is family - and this can be a complex mix of joy, tension and heartache. Yet an unexpected part of the good news…
“Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone.” Until now.We’ve arrived at the moment in Mark’s gospel where Jesus is ready to reveal to the crowds what kind of King he…
Imagine Jesus asking you this question: "What do you want me to do for you?" What would YOU ask of Jesus? What we ask gives us a good indicator of…
Humans like to box things up into neat categories, but Jesus defies our best attempts to do that. Is he a suffering Servant, or is he the glorious God? Yes.…
When Jesus takes really small amounts of food ( think 5 bread rolls and a couple of sardines) and multiplies it into a feast for thousands, that's amazing, right? When he…
Sometimes, in the accounts of Jesus' life, Jesus says things that seem super-offensive to our 21st Century ears . We're looking at one of those moments together this Sunday morning Sometimes,…
Walking on water... let's face it, we've all tried and we've all failed. Except for Jesus, that is. But it wasn't some cheap magicians trick. It was meant to show…
Jesus heals an unclean woman and raises a dead girl. Jesus sees, Jesus cares, Jesus heals, Jesus is greater than death.
Jesus has come to deliver us from the powers of darkness. But those who love the darkness reject the light.
Jesus offers a sober warning to those who consistently harden their hearts to the evidence in front of their eyes about who Jesus is.